Multilingual Dictionary of Medical Physics Terms   Credits Help
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Medical Physics Dictionary Web Version 2.1

The EMITEL e-Dictionary builds upon and expands the EMIT CD Dictionary, made in 2004 to support the international use of the Medical Physics Training materials EMERALD and EMIT.

Currently the Dictionary includes 29 languages: English, French, German, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Romanian, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Thai , Bulgarian, Russian, Bengali, Chinese, Persian, Malay, Slovenian, Croatian, Japanese, Korean. Further expansion with other languages is also planned (please contact the project Coordinator for details -

With more than 200 contributors from 35 countries EMITEL is the largest international project in the profession. We are most grateful to all colleagues who volunteered to include their languages in the Dictionary with the noble goal to boost the global development of Medical Physics!

This web site is the temporary address of the Dictionary. From September 2009 the Dictionary will be associated with the Encyclopedia EMITEL in one new join web site. This web site (currently in preparation) will be opened for free use by all colleagues at the opening ceremony of the World Congress in Munich WC2009.

The Dictionary translates terms between any two languages.
To translate select your Input Language and the Output Language. Then just type in the translate window a term/word (or initial part of word) using the Input language. The results are listed as a table, arranged through the input language. The term in demand is listed either alone (in case of perfect match) or in any combination of words or phonetically close words. The e-Dictionary assumes that the Internet browser already supports the Input Language and Output Languages.

Although all efforts were made for the collection and translation of terms, the authors do not claim that the Dictionary is ideal. Any additions and remarks from colleagues would be gratefully accepted.

Dictionary contributors: See Credits